About me

Kenneth Fong Guo Wei

Currently working in the financial sector.
Graduated with a Degree in Bachelor of Business (Economics & Finance) at SIM RMIT university. Previously a graduate from Nanyang polytechnic 'Diploma in Banking & Finance'

Started investing at a young age of 19 years old and have consistently monitoring and trading the market till date. Financial Instruments traded: Singapore stocks (SGX), Singapore retail bonds & FOREX.

Noticing a number of my friends/peers have no ideas what investing is all about, the purpose of this blog is to promote basic financial literacy and to fully utilise the financial products available in the market.

In time to come, more information will be posted. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, if you have any queries about investing or a need for meetup to further discuss how you should allocate your assets, feel free to drop me a mail:

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